We Dance Every Wednesday
Belvedere’s Ultra Dive - 4016 Butler Street - Pittsburgh, PA 15201
6:30 - 9:30 PM FREE!

Our Mission:
To provide the LGBTQ+ population of Pittsburgh with educational dance programs and events that build an active, thriving, and inclusive community.
We are Pittsburgh’s country two-step, waltz, and line dance group, founded in the LGBTQ+ community. Join us every Wednesday.
FIRST WEDNESDAYS - The first Wednesday of every month is the “Welcome Week” dance. We have lots of lessons and reviews, perfect for folks who are newer to line dancing. It’s also a great night to bring a friend!
SECOND WEDNESDAYS - The second Wednesday of every month is mostly dedicated to partner dancing; primarily two-stepping and waltzing, and sometimes west coast swing to change things up a bit. The lesson of the evening is usually around 7 pm, and is related to partner dancing. But we always have some line dancing as well!
THIRD & FOURTH WEDNESDAYS - The third and fourth Wednesdays of every month usually feature more line dance reviews and lessons, but we still throw in some partner dancing for a good mix!
* FIFTH WEDNESDAYS * - If there is a fifth Wednesday in the month, it is usually a special event. Some examples include “Dolly Night,” guest DJs, or theme nights such as 80’s night.
What People Say:
“A great way to meet people in a fun and relaxed environment! I really enjoyed getting to learn new dances and challenging myself in a safe space.”
“Welcoming diverse group of people with personable, professional, easy to understand instructor. perfect scenario for a fun, memorable night.”
“if you have any hesitations or reservations, throw them aside - just once, so you don’t miss out on something this wonderful.”
Our Dances:
Quick, Quick, Slow, Slow
Take a spin around the dance floor in this partner dance as either a lead or a follow. Also known as the Texas Two-Step, country music with 4/4 time signature most frequently accompanies this dance that is based on two quick steps followed by two slow steps.
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six
Float on a cloud or attend a 17th Century ball when Waltzing with us. We Waltz to country, pop, instrumental, and any music in between with 3/4 time signature and a beat to twirl to.
Line Dance
64 Count, 4 Wall
Get your Grapevine, Kick-Ball-Change, and Shuffle Step on! Check out our Song & Line Dance list for the latest updates.
International & Nearby Connections
412Step shares the joy of dancing and community just like many other LGBTQ+ country western dancing organizations. The International Association of Gay/Lesbian Country Western Dance Clubs promotes country western dancing, activities and music to all persons without regard to age, sex, gender or gender identity, religion, national or cultural origin, sexual orientation, disability or HIV status.
Frequently referred to as “Iggle Wiggle,” IAGLCWDC supports over 30 local organizations and has hosted annual Hoedowns for 25+ years. 2020’s convention, Stompede, will take place in San Francisco, September 3-6.